Mary and Max (2009)
Mary and Max is an interesting film that's considered to be an animated dramedy. The film opening of the scene introduces the setting of the film by panning throughout the town that would eventually show the main characters interacting with.
Wild Tales (2014)
This movie right at the beginning gives the audience the realization of the style and tone of the movie. As the plane is about to hit the bystanders, the scene pauses and mysterious music begins to play followed by a sequence of animal pictures. This can have the audience infer that the movie will have sort of a goofy/random vibe to it as the title shows how tales would be told which talks about different scenarios.
Juno (2007)
Juno gives a perfect representation in the film opening on how dramedies are supposed to be. The film opening introduces the main character first in a dramatic scene, then cuts right to her being in a comedic situation where she's complaining at her dog.
Overall, I learned how I could introduce the character for my opening scene in an interesting fashion which would show both the dramatic and comedic side of the film which would ultimately introduce the genre.
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