Monday, November 25, 2019


Tide ad

   The Tide ad shows a mother who is worried about what her daughter wears. This is shown threw the mother's stress as she purposefully put crayons in her daughter's green cargo shorts. Throughout the ad, the director clearly wanted to depict the mom as someone who wants her daughter to be as feminine as possible, proven by showing the pink in most parts of the room which is usually referred to as a female color in Hollywood. The mother also tells her daughter how the car garage she made is "beautiful" in a manner in which she isn't pleased. Building a garage is usually correlated as a masculine thing to do, which is why the mother is worried. Representation throughout the ad depicts the stereotypes of how young girls should like, also, the ad depicts another stereotype of a mother who is worried about what their daughter likes to wear or play with.

Axe ad

   As soon as the first character of the ad is revealed, it's obvious that the commercial is trying to appeal to a male audience. This is easily perceived because the female with barely any clothes is shown. As more and more half-naked females appear in the shots, it's clear that the ad is showing that they are attracted to something. The "something" is then shown to be a male spraying on the product of the commercial. This ad is trying to tell their male audience that putting on the spray would attract multiple women towards their vicinity. Representation in the ad is depicting all women liking male fragrances, proven when a diverse group of women are seen approaching one man. Not only that, but the women running are in slow-motion, which is on purpose because the ad is doing whatever they can to attract the male audience to purchase their product.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Genre Research - Horror


When it comes to people's greatest fears or phobias such as insects, the dark, or scary mythical creatures created from folk tales made long ago, the horror genre implements these things in movies which attracts a vast majority of people who would want a quick adrenaline rush which no other movie genre can do. The way horror movies interacts with the audience such as suspense or a jump scare is something that makes the genre unique.

                                         Image result for poltergeist
                                         The Poltergeist (1982)

Genre Techniques

A technique that all horror movies do are jump scares. This approach to make a film scary is what the whole audience expects to see a lot of when they enter the theatre, therefore if a movie does it right, and not just adds pointless jump scares such as a loud noise without context, then the movie can be a masterpiece.
That being said, the genre relies heavily on sound which is used in horror movies for many reasons: it can create suspense, a loud sound on top of a scary scene builds the scariness of a scene, it could also include no sound at all which could also build up to a potentially intense scene.

                                         Image result for annabelle
                                         Annabelle: Creation (2017)


Characters that usually are chosen to be the main conflict in horror movies vary from ghosts, to animals, to even creatures created from folk-tales. These characters are always the antagonists of the story who taunt the protagonists throughout the whole movie. The antagonists in this genre have two different faiths, either they are defeated by a good character, or they escape and live which allows the production to move on into a sequel.


                                         Image result for Us
                                         Us (2019)
Us revolves around a family who try to survive their dopellgangers who are led by one who's jealous about the normal family for living a regular life. The mythical creatures follow the protagonists around whom inevitably stop the evil character, which is a typical faith for horror characters. This movie successfully allows the audience to feel uncomfortable in certain parts, making the film a great example of a horror film.

                                          Image result for Jaws
                                          Jaws (1975)
Jaws is about a shark who again, taunts a small town by ferociously killing the town's population slowly. The animal stalks the whole town up until the protagonist of the film kills the shark. The noises used on top of the score create a sense of suspense throughout the whole film, creating wonderful scares, making Jaws one of the most popular horror films of all times.

Institutional Conventions

Regarding horror movie trailers, they typically consist of the video leading up to the introduction of the antagonist in a scary suspenseful manner, showing one of the jump scares of the film which is meant to intrigue a potential audience. Posters show the antagonist which is done to show consumers what film would scare them the most.

Horror Films That Would Make People Fanatics to the Genre:

  • Halloween
  • Friday the 13th
  • The Conjuring
  • The Shining 
  • The Silence of the Lambs
